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Risk Parity Radio Podcast
Exploring Alternative Asset Allocations For DIY Investors
Welcome to the Risk Parity Radio Podcast
website with your host:
Frank Vasquez
This website supports the Risk Parity Radio podcast. RPR is a podcast about investing. The purpose of the RPR podcast is to explore risk-parity inspired portfolios comprised of uncorrelated or negatively correlated asset classes -- stocks, selected bonds, gold, REITs, preferreds, commodities, and other easily accessible fund options for the DIY investor. The goal is to construct portfolios that are robust and can be drawn down on in perpetuity, and to maximize projected Safe Withdrawal Rates regardless of projected overall returns. For additional resources, check out Risk Parity Chronicles blog and website.
The "Holy Grail of Investing" is "making a handful of good uncorrelated bets . . ." It is "the surest way of having a lot of upside without being exposed to unacceptable downside."
-- Ray Dalio, "Principles"

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